Friday, August 2, 2019


Really enjoyed the tightness in this engine builder. The linear scaling seemed like a problem with my play group though. The end game didn't feel as good as other games where you're really going ham.

I'm a bit disappointed with the lay egg action, but I appreciate that it exists because it really helps to keep game balance.  Most of the final rounds was basically just lay eggs three or four times and maybe play one more bird depending on the situation.

There are quite a few nasty early game birds that can really rock the boat, but unless you have 2 or 3 of them at the same time, it ends up balancing out because of their cost or lack of egg capacity/points.

The game is very point salad-y, and after having fun with the theme after a few plays I started just doing a lot of math on each turn (my fault of course) and it reduced the experience.  Given that most of the engines in the game top out quickly, the math is fudge-able and not vital as long as you have a decent grasp on how many turns you have left and what other things you want to accomplish.

The bonus cards that are not achievable hurt my soul a little bit, and if this game hits the table again, I'm going to increase it to 3 cards per player and choose 1. For now, I'm going to put it up against Feast For Odin to see if people want a longer ramp.